(662) 282-4226 Open hours: Mon 7:30am - 7:00pm, T/W/Th 7:30am – 5:30pm, Fri 7:30am – 4:00pm

Overdose Not Only Risk Factor in Opioid Crisis

Overdose Not Only Risk Factor in Opioid Crisis

Every day 130 people in the United States die from an opioid-related overdose. While the numbers of new opioid prescriptions have declined in the last two years, we’re still experiencing fall out from years of unchecked opioid prescriptions. A recent study in JAMA Psychiatry reveals the far-reaching effects of the opioid crisis on the health of an abuser.

Researched pulled data from 124 previously published studies and compared that data with the general population of the same age and sex. The study revealed in addition to increased death from overdose, opioid addicts also have increased deaths due to non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, suicide, and unintentional injuries. The most common non-communicable diseases include cancer and cardiovascular disease.  


While deaths due to HIV/AIDS have declined due to more effective treatment in the overall population, AIDS deaths among opioid abusers have remained steady. Research shows 10-20% of those who misuse prescription opioids move on to inject opioids or heroin. Shared needles between drug users increase the chances of blood-borne infections such as HIV and hepatitis C. For the first time in two decades, HIV infections from injected drug use increased in 2015 for the first time in two decades due to the opioid crisis.

Opioid abuse affects a person’s entire life, from their overall health to risky behavior. Overdose continues to be a major concern for opioid abusers, but it’s not the only concern. Their behavior and health problems don’t just affect them, it affects their entire family.

Available Resources

If you’re struggling with an opioid addiction take action now. Don’t wait for the drugs to ruin your health. Seeking treatment is an act of strength not weakness. 

At Mantachie Rural Health Care, we treat all aspects of drug addiction from the addiction itself to underlying mental and behavioral health issues. We’ll help you find the right treatment program, and we provide therapy for families as well.

Overdose, while a major concern for drug abusers, isn’t the only increased threat of opioid abuse. You only have one body. Take care of it. We can help. Contact our mental health facilty to learn more at 662-282-4359.   

Mantachie School Students and Staff Benefit from School-Based Clinic

Mantachie School Based Clinic

The opening of a school-based health clinic in November at Mantachie schools represented more than a year’s worth of work. The clinic, staffed by Amy Floyd, FNP-C, and Casey Pounds, MA, sees both children and school staff. Hours of operation run from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. during school days.

School-based health centers started in 1970, but gained popularity in the 1990s. Today, more than 2000 SBHCs care for the health of more than two million students.

Students with access to school-based clinics miss fewer days of school due to illness. More days in the classroom along with better overall health means these students retain more knowledge and score better on tests.

Parents benefit from school-based clinics because they miss fewer days of work to attend appointments with their children. Increased work attendance and productivity improves a family’s financial outlook.

Our school-based clinic treats the usual urgent care illnesses such as colds, sinus infections, strep throat, and the flu, as well as managing health conditions like diabetes. Providers may also conduct vision and hearing screenings for students. Students experiencing depression or other mental illness may receive earlier intervention when a medical provider is on campus every day.

The benefits of consistent health care for students stretch into a lifetime of healthy choices, which benefits the entire family and community.

To be seen in the school-based clinic, parents and staff must complete the permission and insurance form available in the school office. The clinic bills visits to the student’s Medicaid or private insurance.   

Benefits and Dangers of Celebrity Endorsed Intermittent Fasting

Benefits and Dangers of Celebrity Endorsed Intermittent Fasting

Every year with the “New Year New You” announcements come new fad diets. One of the most popular new celebrity-touted trends is intermittent fasting. Most notably a 16:8 fast. Fasting has been around for centuries, but it’s not right for everyone.

What is fasting? 

Before you consider fasting as part of your diet and exercise plan, educate yourself on the different types of fasting. Religious fasts often include not eating for many days or even weeks at a time. This type of fasting can be particularly dangerous for people with diabetes. 

Intermittent fasts are broken down by when you restrict food intake. A 5:2 fast allows you to eat your regular diet five days a week and restricts calories to 600 calories a day for men and 500 calories for women on the two fasting days. The popular 16:8 fast means you fast for 16 hours a day and eat all your daily calories in the remaining 8 hours. 

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Some dieters find the freedom of eating regular meals five days a week makes up for two days of strict fasting, or that they aren’t really all that hungry when they eat three meals in eight hours instead of stretching out their meals and snacking over the entire day. The diet plan is easy to follow because it doesn’t include any measuring of food or counting of calories.

A few very limited studies have shown intermittent fasting to lower A1C levels and increase weight loss. 

Dangers of Intermittent Fasting

Every diet has pros and cons. Intermittent fasting may help prevent type 2 diabetes, but it’s not a good option for those who already have the disease. Fasting may cause lower blood sugar levels, which can have dangerous side effects.

Because intermittent fasting does not involve measuring serving sizes or counting calories, many people will gorge on the foods they love or eat unhealthy foods during their non-fasting days. 

Fasting may also be dangerous for people with a history of eating disorders or mental health disorders.

Good Eating Habits Haven’t Changed

Regardless of whether you try eating all your meals in one eight hour stint or not, what you put in your mouth matters. Filling your plate with fruits and vegetables, adding lean protein, substituting complex carbs in place of sugary carbs, and including a few healthy fats helps you lose weight and manage diabetes and other medical conditions. The limited studies show no greater weight loss in groups who fasted than from groups who ate regular, healthy meals.

Before You Try Any Diet

Always consult your medical provider before you start any new diet or exercise routine. Your personal health conditions and medications influence how exercise and diet affect your body. We have a nutritionist on staff who can help you find the best way to manage your diet so it has the most positive effect on your health. She hosts Witcher’s Weightloss Warriors every Monday evening. It’s a free program that teaches participants how to lose weight in healthy ways. Call our clinic to learn how you can join.

Behavioral Health Conditions Headline Top Health Problems for Millennials

Behavioral Health Conditions Headline Top Health Problems for Millennials

Growing up with 24-hour news access and an increase in technology is taking its toll on millennials. A new report released by Blue Cross Blue Shield polled millennials who were 34-36 in 2017 about their health. The majority consider themselves healthy although as a generation they saw a double-digit increase in diagnoses of 8 of the top 10 diseases.

What were these top 10 health conditions? Drum roll please . . .

  1. Major depression
  2. Substance use disorder
  3. Alcohol use disorder
  4. Hypertension
  5. Hyperactivity
  6. Psychotic conditions
  7. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  8. High cholesterol
  9. Tobacco use disorder
  10. Type 2 diabetes

Notice anything about the list? The top six are behavioral health issues.

Help is a call away

In addition to being less healthy than previous generations, millennials access healthcare differently. They expect easy access to healthcare, including telemedicine options. And they are less likely to take advantage of preventative care and develop a relationship with their provider. Instead, they only visit a medical provider when they are sick.

The first step to taking control of your health is to seek out help before it’s needed. We change the oil in our car and replace the tires before we have a problem. In a similar fashion, millennials need to visit with their provider at least yearly for preventative care. And providers should screen millennials early and often for undiagnosed behavioral health and substance abuse problems.

Partner with your health provider, and encourage your millennial children and grandchildren to make their medical provider a partner in their health.

Think you know why millennials are struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues more than other generations? Read this article on the study and possible causes to see if you’re right.

Could your dry winter skin be eczema or psoriasis?

Could your dry winter skin be eczema or psoriasis?

Between cold winter weather and the dryness of indoor heat, our skin takes a beating during the winter season. Dry, itchy skin can be a symptom of nothing more than the weather, or it may need your doctor’s attention. If you, or your child, have red, itchy patches particularly behind the knees or elbows or in the folds of their skin, you’ll need more than a little dab of lotion to cut the itch.

This time of year eczema and psoriasis tend to show up in force. Knowing which type of skin irritation you’re dealing with determines how best to treat it at home or with a doctor’s care.


Most eczema cases show up in children as red, very itchy patches of skin on the elbows, knees, hands, feet, lower back, scalp, or face. Sometimes the itching will lead a child to scratch until they bleed. Eczema may show up for the first time in adulthood, but it’s less often seen for the first time in those ages.

First, let us share the good news. Eczema may lessen or disappear as a child moves into adulthood, and some children will experience long periods with no flare-ups. Now for the bad news. No cure for eczema exists, so you’ll have to manage the illness by treating the symptoms.

If possible, start by isolating what may have caused the flare-up. Children with allergies and asthma are more likely to experience eczema especially when they come in contact with something they are allergic to. Removing known allergens is always your first step to treating at home. Detergents and soaps, especially those with perfumes and dyes, may also cause a flare-up.

Not everything that causes eczema can be controlled. Some children who haven’t experienced a flare-up in years will break out as they enter puberty. Those changing hormones cause skin changes as well. Stress, infections, heat, and humidity may also trigger a flare.


Start by looking for a moisturizer with an oil or cream base instead of a water base. Also read the ingredient list for alcohol. Not only will lotions with alcohol dry out your skin more, they also burn when applied to raw, irritated skin. Moderate to severe eczema often requires a prescription corticosteroid cream or other prescription treatment. If over-the-counter lotions don’t help in a few days make an appointment to see your doctor.


The first case of psoriasis often appears between the ages of 15 and 30. Psoriasis often looks similar to eczema with dry, red patches of skin, but the itchiness is considerably less than with eczema. 

Cold weather, stress, and infection may trigger psoriasis just like they do eczema. Psoriasis’s other triggers, however, are less environmental. Vaccinations, sunburns, scratches, and certain medications also trigger psoriasis. And it’s often linked to more serious illnesses such as diabetes, depression, and heart disease.


Your treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms and the cause of the flare-up. Because of the seriousness of illnesses linked to psoriasis, it’s extremely important for patients to visit with their doctor to discuss treatment.

While eczema and psoriasis initially appear similar, their treatments depend on which one you have. If you’ve noticed red, patchy, itchy skin that doesn’t go away on its own make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options. You shouldn’t have to suffer through an itchy winter.

Rural, Uninsured Women at Higher Risk for Cervical Cancer

Rural, Uninsured Women at Higher Risk for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer isn’t the cancer of old women, just ask celebrities like Erin Andrews, Liz Lange, or Judy Blume. It’s most commonly diagnosed in women under age 50, which increases the importance of screening in these women.

Most patients don’t experience any symptoms during the earliest stages of cervical cancer when treatment is most effective. Screenings, however, can detect cancer and pre-cancerous cells early. 


Pap tests look for changes in cells that could turn into cancer later. In the past, doctors encouraged women to have a pap smear every year. In the last decade, however, recommendations have changed to every three years for women ages 21 to 65. 

Women over age 30 may elect to have an HPV screening which tests for human papillomavirus, the virus which can cause cervical cancer. If you test positive for this virus, your doctor may recommend more frequent screenings.


In 2006, the HPV vaccine was released in an effort to significantly reduce the occurrence of the virus which can lead to cervical cancer. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Since introducing the vaccine, rates of HPV infection have dramatically decreased. Doctors encourage both females and males ages 9-26 to receive the vaccine. 


Reducing the number of women with the HPV virus and catching cervical cancer early sounds easy enough, right? Unfortunately, the cost of testing and vaccines often means women in rural areas without insurance may slip between the cracks. These women receive the most cervical cancer diagnoses. 

Mantachie Rural Health Care offers $15 pap tests and provides the HPV vaccines for low or no cost for uninsured or underinsured patients. Staying on top of your health shouldn’t be hard or expensive. Schedule your pap test and yearly check-up today. Your health is worth the time.

Sweet or Unsweet: Common Diabetes Medications

common diabetes medications

Lifestyle changes will most likely be the first suggestion your doctor makes after your type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The thought of changing your eating habits, adding exercise into an already full schedule, and monitoring your blood sugar can be overwhelming. Depending on how high your A1C is, your doctor may prescribe one of these common diabetes medications. 

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics take different types of medication because the types respond differently to insulin. Most Type 2 diabetes patients control their diabetes through oral medication.

Not all diabetes medication is right for every patient. Your doctor prescribes the type of medication based on your symptoms and how well your diabetes is controlled. Every addition of medication to your routine comes with questions you should ask your provider if they don’t supply the answer to these questions when they suggest the medication. Your pharmacy provided printouts contain most of this information, but talking to your doctor about these questions should still be the first step.

  • When and how often should you take the medication?
  • What should you do if you miss a dose?
  • What are the common side effects of this medication?
  • Why did your provider prescribe this particular medication?
  • Will Medicare, Medicaid, or your private insurance cover this medication?
  • Will this medication react with any other medications I’m taking?

Below are several of the most common Type 2 diabetes medications. We included a little information about each one. You can find more about these medications rxlist.com.


Many providers prescribe metformin as the first medication for treating Type 2 diabetes. These medications help your body become more sensitive to insulin. They also decrease the amount of sugar your intestines absorb. It comes with side effects such as weight gain and possibly low blood sugar. Metformin is in a family of drugs called biguanides and may be combined with other medications also used to treat Type 2 diabetes.


These medications stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. Like Metformin, the side effects may include weight gain and low blood sugar.


Like Sulfonylureas, these medications stimulate your pancreas to make more insulin, but they are faster acting and the effect lasts for a shorter length of time. These medications may lower your blood sugar too much.


These medications work a lot like Metformin in that they make your body more sensitive to glucose. Unfortunately, they come with more serious side-effects such as an increased risk of heart failure, heart disease, and anemia. Your provider will monitor your heart function closely if you take one of these medications. The increased risk of serious side effects means it probably won’t the first medication your provider prescribes.

DPP-4 inhibitors

These medications have less of a tendency to cause low blood sugar while helping the body make more insulin. They may cause joint pain and increase your risk of pancreatitis.

GLP-1 receptor agonists

This family of drugs slows digestion and helps lower blood sugar levels. They are injectable medications versus oral medications most often used. Patients with certain heart disease or chronic kidney disease are more likely to receive these medications as they may reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. The medications often cause weight loss and may also have side effects like nausea and an increased risk of pancreatitis.

SGLT2 inhibitors

Unlike other diabetes medications, these drugs prevent the kidney from holding on to the glucose. Instead, your body excretes the sugar through your urine. These medications may also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Possible side effects include vaginal yeast infections, urinary tract infections, low blood pressure, and a higher risk of diabetic ketoacidosis. 


Insulin was once the last resort for treating type 2 diabetes, but today it’s prescribed earlier due to its benefits. This medication must be injected. Your provider has a variety of types of insulin available, and they may prescribe a mixture of insulin types for use at different times of the day or night. 

Cost of Medications

The cost of insulin and other diabetes medication continues to rise, and Medicare, Medicaid or your insurance may not cover all these medications. Patients at Mantachie Rural Health Care may request a 340B card at the time of their appointment for discounts on prescriptions. Discounts vary, but Fulton Walmart, Mantachie Pharmacy, and Saltillo Pharmacy and Solutions accept the cards.

Study Shows Long Term Health Risks from Measles

girl in tree, measles, vaccines

As the vaccine debate rages among parents, more studies show the effects of measles may last long after a patient recovers. Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children often cite the measles symptoms as one reason vaccinations may not be worth the perceived risks. A new study from the Netherlands suggests patient’s risks continue long after they recover from the initial illness.

Measles begins with a high fever 10-12 days after exposure to the virus. A cough, runny nose, red watery eyes, and white spots in the mouth may accompany the fever. A few days later a rash appears on the face and neck. The rash spreads over the entire body in the next 3 days. The rash lasts 5-6 days.

The new study shows a decreased immunity to other viruses and infections after the measles rash fades. The virus appears to wipe out the immune system’s memory. Illnesses the person had previously built immunity to were no longer recognized. The measles effect made patients even more susceptible to those illnesses and their dangerous complications. While the immune system still works, it must relearn all the viruses it one recognized.

Infants who are not yet old enough for the vaccine, children under age 5, and adults over age 30 are most susceptible to other complications of measles such as ear infections, diarrhea, and dehydration.

Yet another reason to protect our children with the MMR vaccine. If you have questions or concerns about vaccines and your child, schedule a wellness visit with one of our providers to discuss how best to protect your family’s health.

20 Ways to Keep Your 2020 Fitness Resolutions

walking, tennis shoes, fitness resolutions

Something about the clean slate of a new year lures us into believing we might just be able to do things differently this time. In a few short weeks, we’ll not only have the promises of a bright, shiny new year, but a whole new decade to fill with our hopes, dreams, and goals. If you’re planning new fitness resolutions this year, keep reading.

The trouble is, we’re still the same person on January 1 that we were on December 31. If that person didn’t eat well or exercise regularly then jumping into a new fitness routine on January 1 is likely to lead to frustration. We want you to succeed in your fitness goals in 2020 not just on January 1 but on February 15 and May 23 and all the days beyond. 

The key to successful navigation of your News Year’s fitness goals is preparing now. Why wait until January 1 to start taking more walks or joining a gym? Get started now with these simple steps.

  1. Start with a wellness check-up. Getting clearance from your medical provider before starting an exercise routine is particularly important if you have a chronic illness such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or asthma. Let your provider know you’d like to start exercising more and ask for his or her suggestions.
  2. Purchase a pair of good athletic shoes. Exercise doesn’t have to involve pricy gyms or expensive equipment. You will need the appropriate footwear. Your flipflops or slippers won’t cut it here. Choose shoes with good support that are made for the activity you’ve chosen. Running shoes will be lighter while cross-trainers will offer more support. Now’s the perfect time to put these on your Christmas wish list!
  3. Set a baseline. Every great goal starts by acknowledging where you are now. Take your resting heart rate. Record how long it takes you to walk 1 mile. Sit in the floor with your legs straight in front of you and see how far toward your feet you can reach without bending your knees. Count how many standard or modified push-ups you can do at one time.
  4. Choose activities you like and that offer easy access for you. Saying you’re going to ride your bike for thirty-minutes a day when you don’t own a bike won’t help you set your goals. If you plan to join a gym, choose one near your home or office so you have one less excuse for not going. 
  5. Set specific goals. Planning to exercise more is a great resolution, but what exactly does more mean? A goal to walk 1 mile three times a week is both specific and reasonable, especially if you haven’t exercised much in the last year. If you already exercise but want to increase what you’re doing, build on where you are. 
  6. Set realistic goals. In addition to specific goals make them realistic. Will you really get up at 3 a.m. to walk a mile every morning? Can you actually go to the gym after work if you have to pick up the kids? Know yourself and what you’re willing to do. Making fitness easy and accessible increases the chances you’ll stick with it.
  7. Set new goals every three months. Instead of setting a goal to stick with this fitness routine for a year aim for one month or three months. Re-evaluate after three months to decide if you like your current routine if you’re sticking with it, and what you may need to change.
  8. Be flexible. You thought you’d like swimming every day during your lunch hour, but cleaning up afterward puts you late getting back to work. Or maybe you still don’t feel comfortable at your gym after a month of going. You have more options. Choose another activity, another time, or another gym. Don’t quit one without a plan for how to fill your fitness time, but do allow yourself to change your mind.
  9. Reward yourself. We’re not talking about eating a cupcake after your fitness session. Choose other rewards like taking yourself to the movies, having a massage or purchasing that book you’ve been dying to read after you complete a certain number of exercise sessions in a row. Your reward don’t have to involve money. You might spend 30 minutes in a hot bath listening to music or allow yourself to watch an episode of your favorite television show.
  10. Put it on your calendar like any other appointment. You wouldn’t skip your doctor’s appointment or hair appointment. Put your exercise time on your calendar like any other appointment. If it’s written it’s more likely to get done.
  11. Tell your family and friends. If taking 30 minutes to walk after work will affect the schedule of other people in your family talk to them about what you’re doing a why. Better yet, invite them to join you! Find supportive family and friends who will ask you if you’ve exercised or will text you encouragement when they know you’re working out.
  12. Join a fitness class. Lack the motivation to workout alone? Most gyms offer group fitness classes led by trained instructors. Many allow you to try a class free before you join. The end of December is a great time to try new classes before you join in January. Use your time wisely!
  13. Exercise with friends. This one gets a little tricky. Some friends will push you to work harder, others will spend the entire time gabbing and you won’t actually work out. Find friends who also have fitness goals to reach and work together to get healthy.
  14. Use a fitness app to track your progress. Many free fitness apps for smartphones will track your exercise and estimate the number of calories you’ve burned. If you’re wearing a fitness tracker like FitBit or Apple Watch these devices will pair with your apps for even more information. You can also set fitness trackers to remind you to move periodically throughout the day.
  15. Drink more water. If you’re increasing your exercise, you need to increase your water even in the cold months. Choosing water over sports drinks, sodas, or sweet tea also reduces your calorie intake. And if you’re drinking more water you’ll have to walk to the bathroom more often which increases your step count. Win-win-win.
  16. Add variety to your workouts. Walking is a great, low-cost fitness option, but make sure to add some resistance training as well. Multiple repetitions with small hand weights or resistance bands build muscle without requiring a lot of fancy equipment. YouTube and Facebook offer plenty of videos from fitness experts. This type of exercise gives you a break on cold or rainy days when you can’t walk outside.
  17. Listen to your body. “No pain no gain” isn’t the right exercise message. Reaching your fitness goals shouldn’t hurt. As your abilities increase you may push yourself to work harder but start off easy. If your body is out of breath or tired take a break. Allow yourself a day to rest if you had a restless night or you are sick. Don’t use 1 or 2 days off as an excuse not to return to your exercise routine. 
  18. Put on exercise clothes when you get home. Just putting on your exercise clothes and shoes is sometimes all the reminder you need to keep your commitment. If you’re exercising in the evening set your gym bag by the door to take with you to work or lay out your workout clothes so you see them when you get home. Remove as many excuses as possible.
  19. Monitor your progress. Remember that baseline you recorded? Go back every six weeks and record your progress. It might be small at first, but every extra push-up counts.
  20. Remember the best exercise you can choose is the one you’ll actually do.

We’re cheering for you and your 2020 fitness goals. Our providers are ready to talk to you about staying healthy this year and for years to come.

Celebrating Sobriety Every Day

cupcakes, celebrating sobriety, national sobriety day

Choosing to step out and seek treatment for addiction is one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. We’re working hard to remove the stigma of addiction and to encourage more people to choose recovery. For some recovering addicts, celebrating sobriety milestones is an important step in the recovery process. December 11 is National Sobriety Day, but we encourage you to celebrate your sobriety every day.

Celebrating sobriety looks a little different than celebrating life’s other milestones such as weddings and graduations because sobriety is celebrated sober. If you’ve never planned a sobriety celebration, now’s the time to start.

Start Small

Cook a fancy meal at home or try a new restaurant with your spouse, best friend, or immediate family. Small celebrations are especially meaningful if you’re still in the first phase of sobriety. Your family or closest friends will want to celebrate your determination with you and show their support. Make sure they know you’re celebrating sobriety and you expect them to abstain from alcohol during the meal as well. If you’re eating out, ask your server to remove the wine or drink list from the table and not to suggest drinks with your meal.

Get Active

Alcohol and drugs steal our time and our energy. As you progress in your sobriety, you’ll find you have more of both of these resources. Try a new outdoor activity such as hiking, running, biking, fishing, or swimming. Invite supportive friends and family members to join you. Let them know the day’s activity is a celebration of your sobriety and alcohol and drugs are not permitted on the trip. Setting boundaries and surrounding yourself with supportive people are key parts of maintaining your sobriety.

Create New Traditions

As we move into the holidays, a lot of family traditions center around drinking. From grandma’s eggnog at Christmas to champagne on New Year’s Eve and beers during a ballgame, you may find yourself challenged at every turn. Combined with the stress of family gatherings, those temptations may prove to be a powderkeg for you. Choose now to set some new holiday traditions. Bake and decorate cookies together. Serve lunch at a local shelter. Drive around and look at Christmas lights. Host a soup cook-off. Every family tradition starts somewhere. Yours starts here with you.

Go Big

The early milestones of recovery may require quieter celebration to keep you on track, but long-term milestones like a year or five-years call for bigger celebrations. By now you’re past the first few hard days of sobriety, but you understand the importance of maintaining your commitment to your new lifestyle. And your friends and family are adjusting to the new you without drugs or alcohol. You may still choose to include a small group of supportive friends and family, but consider an out-of-town trip or a big vacation celebrate. Find a vacation travel planner that specializes in sober travel deals to celebrate on a cruise or trip that skips the alcohol. 

However you choose to celebrate sobriety, we encourage you to celebrate it every day. Each moment lived without the control of drugs and alcohol is a beautiful day. 

If you haven’t chosen a sober lifestyle yet, but you’re ready to kick your addictions, our counselors are ready to speak with you. And if you’ve walked the path of sobriety, but somehow lost your way, we’re here for that too. Call us at 662-282-4359 to speak with someone today.

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