(662) 282-4226 Open hours: Mon 7:30am - 7:00pm, T/W/Th 7:30am – 5:30pm, Fri 7:30am – 4:00pm
Allergy Season in Northeast Mississippi

Allergy Season in Northeast Mississippi

allergy season in northeast MsEvery year during the spring and summer seasons, people who suffer from allergies suffer in silence. In the South, the longer growing season, temperate weather, and tons of rainfall means plants grow and bloom longer than in northern climates which makes the allergy season in the places like Mississippi much longer and more intense.

What Is An Allergy?

An allergy occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to something that is harmless. Take pollen for instance. It’s a fine powder emitted into the air by flowers in order to fertilize other flowers like itself. It’s harmless to human beings, but to people allergic to pollen, the immune system misidentifies the pollen as a foreign invader like a bacteria. In order to protect the body against this invader, (a.k.a an allergen) the immune system releases a bunch of chemicals that causes symptoms such as inflamed skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system.

Of course, you can be allergic to many different things, not just pollen. People are allergic to certain types of bugs, pet dander, and certain foods. The most common allergies found in Mississippi are pollen allergies and stinging insect allergies.

Pollen Allergies

Pollen allergies are as described above. They’re the immune response the body has to the allergen pollen when it is mistaken for an invader in the body. Because of Mississippi’s temperate climate, the pollen from trees, grasses and weeds is a major source of allergies in the state. To beat these allergies, it’s best to just stay indoors when pollen is bad. If you have to go outside, make sure you wash your face and your clothes often when you come back in.

Insect Allergy

The second most common type of allergy in Mississippi is a stinging insect allergy. The allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to the venom stinging insects inject into their victims. Most people are not allergic to stinging insects like bees, wasps, hornets, and fire ants. For these people, a sting from these insects will likely result in swelling, pain, and redness at the site of the sting.

It’s very important for people to understand the difference between a normal reaction to an insect sting and an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction to an insect sting can become life threatening in a very short period of time, and a person who may not know they are allergic may dismiss their symptoms as merely pain from the sting.

Symptoms of Allergic Reactions

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to an insect sting include pain, swelling, and redness not confined to the area of the sting, but spreading to other parts of the body. Flushing, hives, and itching are also common symptoms. The most severe allergic reactions will need immediate medical attention and symptoms could include abdominal cramping, vomiting, intense nausea or diarrhea, tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing, and anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction. It may progress so rapidly that it leads to stop breathing, collapse, experience seizures, and lose consciousness within 1 to 2 minutes. The reaction may be fatal unless emergency treatment usually in the form of a dose of epinephrine administered in an auto-injector (also known as an Epi-Pen) is given immediately.

If you have an allergic reaction to an insect sting, you may need to see an allergist  about allergy shots. Allergy shots can be effective at preventing anaphylaxis from insect stings. Also, avoid wearing perfume or cologne and  bright colors, and always wear socks and shoes outside. The sweet perfume and bright colors will attract stinging insects. Socks and shoes will help protect your feet from fire ants.

MRHC is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of compassionate, personal and trustworthy medical care in a warm and welcoming environment. If you think you may have a sinus infection call 662-282-4226 to schedule an appointment.



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