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Family Fitness Tips

Family Fitness Tips

An unhealthy family is an unhappy family. We’re not being dramatic. Studies show that unfit, unhealthy people are prone to anxiety and depression. Take a leadership role in getting your family fit with these health tips. 

Be the example.

Nothing teaches your kids healthy habits like seeing you follow them yourself. Let them see you working out, staying active, and eating well. It’s guaranteed to inspire them to do the same.

Serve healthy meals. 

Young children are still developing their palates so be patient if they refuse to eat their veggies at first. “Sneak” in healthy foods if you can’t get them to eat by making fun meals like butternut squash mac n cheese and buffalo cauliflower. Make healthy pizzas together on thin crusts made of pita and other healthier choices than flour (try cauliflower!) and let the kids toss on the healthy veggies. Avoid unhealthy toppings like pepperoni and sausage. Go for tomatoes, peppers, spinach, and other veggies. Cheese is okay, you need dairy in your diet. Just avoid adding extra to your pie. 

Find fun ways to stay active. 

Sign everyone up for a fun class like Zumba or Yoga so you can stay fit together. Join a bicycling group or walking club. Head outside to the garden and teach your kids about science while getting healthy and showing them how fun it is to grow your own food. 

Make a schedule.

You’re more likely to do exercise or attend a fitness class if it’s on the calendar. Add it in with your ball games and recreational classes to make sure you do it. 

Set fitness goals. 

Again, you’re more likely to do it if you’ve set a goal to achieve. Make your goals simple and easy to follow so you don’t get overwhelmed and quit. Build up to harder goals to keep it going. 

Keep your feet healthy.

Happy feet move better. Lotion them up, have your partner massage them and vice versa and do it regularly. 

Don’t skip working out because you’re stressed. 

That’s an even better motivation to work out your problems. Wallowing and avoiding moving will send you to an anxious, depressive place. Avoid it by staying active and eating healthy. 

Don’t forget Doggo. 

Walking the dog is a perfect way to keep your pets fit and you, too. Daily walks are necessities for dogs to be happy and healthy. What better way to start working out than with the best puppy partner ever?

You’re off to a good start by reading this article. Now take those tips and get the family moving!

Could ‘COVID Tongue’ Be Latest Unexpected Symptom of Virus?

Keeping track of all the possible symptoms of COVID-19 is a full-time job. One British scientist claims at least 20% of his patients experience less common symptoms that aren’t officially recognized by the CDC. And we all know at least one person who experienced no symptoms at all. A Spanish study recently found 10% of patients with COVID also had some type of oral health problems such as mouth sores or ulcers. The term “COVID tongue” has been used to describe this uncommon issue, but whether or not it’s actually associated with the virus is debatable.

First, the Known COVID Symptoms

Let’s talk about what we know. The most commonly recognized symptoms of COVID-19 typically show up 2-14 days after exposure and include: 

• Fever or chills

• Cough

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

• Fatigue

• Muscle or body aches

• Headache

• New loss of taste or smell

• Sore throat

•Congestion or runny nose

•Nausea or vomiting


While this isn’t an exhaustive list, most symptomatic patients experience at least one of these problems, which usually prompts them to be tested for the virus. 

COVID Tongue: Is It Real?

Doctors don’t argue that mouth sores or a swollen, discolored tongue may be part of your struggle in a COVID-19 infection, but whether it’s a symptom of the virus remains to be seen. Most doctors agree you won’t typically experience only oral symptoms. 

Some medical providers speculate that oral symptoms could be caused by steroids and other medications prescribed to combat the virus which may lead the way for a thrush infection. The tongue also has a lot of ACE2 receptors, which are targeted by the COVID-19 virus in the lungs. So it’s possible the virus could be present in the mouth as well. Another theory is that COVID-19 activates another virus like the herpes simplex virus which results in mouth ulcers.

On the other hand, oral symptoms could be the result of allergies, irritants, another infection or something you ate.

How to Protect Your Oral Health

Whether you have COVID-19 or not, caring for your oral health is never the wrong answer. Brushing and flossing regularly as well as eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water helps keep your mouth healthy whether we’re in a pandemic or not. It may also protect your mouth and teeth from unwanted damage should you find yourself with a COVID infection. And, as a reminder, you can continue to protect your overall health by not socializing in large groups, wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently and remaining socially distanced.

If you’re experiencing oral health problems without any other symptoms of COVID-19, make an appointment with our dental clinic. Any new mouth sores should be treated by your dentist. If you’re experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, we can help you find the right diagnosis and create a treatment plan. Request an appointment online, or call our office at (662) 282-4226 . 

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