If you are living with diabetes, you’re probably very aware of the physical effects of this disease on the body. Symptoms like non-healing or slow-healing wounds and conditions like glaucoma and heart disease all commonly affect people with diabetes. But how does diabetes affect brain function? A recent study revealed diabetes’ surprising effect on the brain.
The Aging Effect of Diabetes on the Brain
Researchers compared data compiled from 20,000 middle and older age adults with past studies to determine what, if any, effect type 2 diabetes had on brain function. Data from the present and past studies consistently revealed a connection between type 2 diabetes and increased aging in the brain.
Type 2 diabetes patients in the study had poorer results in tests on memory and thinking. MRI scans revealed the same group also experienced brain tissue shrinkage in the parts of the brain responsible for memory and thinking. A professor at Stony Brook School of Medicine in New York said that the brains of patients with type 2 diabetes aged about 10 years faster than others.
One reason type 2 diabetes affects the brain so much is that the brain is a major consumer of glucose. When the body isn’t producing enough insulin, the brain is in trouble. The findings in the new study join a body of other research dedicated to studying the effects of diabetes on the brain. Multiple studies have also indicated a link between diabetes and a faster decline in mental sharpness in older age, as well as a higher risk of dementia.
What Diabetes Patients Can Do to Fight the Effects
The point of medical research is to find the cause of problems and develop solutions. As medical experts continue to develop new studies and treatments, diabetes patients can do their part by following their provider’s treatment plan. Those plans typically include diet and exercise as well as a medication regimen. Proper treatment helps keep your glucose levels normal more often and slows the effects of diabetes on the overall body.
Properly following your provider’s treatment plan includes not skipping checkups with your diabetes care provider. At each visit, your provider checks for signs of concern and can make changes to your treatment if needed. They’ll also screen for other conditions that diabetes patients are at a higher risk for.
Need a checkup with your diabetes care provider at Mantachie Rural Healthcare? Click here to request a visit today!
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